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20 Social Media Ideas to Engage Your Audience

Struggling with Social Media Ideas? Here Are 20 Creative Posts to Engage Your Audience

Many businesses find it challenging to consistently develop fresh social media content ideas. However, engaging your audience doesn’t have to be difficult. The key is to post content that resonates with them and reflects your brand’s personality.

Instead of trying to remember to post every day, you can streamline the process by scheduling your content. Set aside time once a week or a month to plan and schedule your posts. This batching approach saves you time and ensures consistency across your social media platforms. We love SmarterQueue for scheduling and use it for all our clients.

20 Social Media Ideas to Boost Your Engagement

  1. Behind the Scenes of Your Business: Show your audience what goes on behind the scenes to create a more personal connection.
  2. Project Updates: Keep your followers in the loop with the latest updates on your projects.
  3. Meet the Team: Introduce the faces behind your business, including yourself and your team members.
  4. Business Facts: Share interesting facts about your business to educate and engage your audience.
  5. Client Testimonials: Highlight positive feedback from your clients to build trust and credibility.
  6. Work Samples: Showcase examples of your work to demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients.
  7. Industry Tips: Share valuable tips that are relevant to your services or industry to position yourself as an expert.
  8. Humour: Post funny moments or pictures to add a lighthearted touch to your feed.
  9. Blog Posts: Promote your blog articles to drive traffic to your website.
  10. Service Offerings: Remind your audience of the services you offer and how they can benefit from them.
  11. Promotions and Discounts: Announce special offers to entice potential customers.
  12. Collaborations: Share content from other businesses with similar audiences but different services to expand your reach.
  13. Events: Post about events you’re attending or hosting to create buzz and invite engagement.
  14. Business Tools: Show the tools and software you use in your business to give your audience insights into your operations.
  15. How-To Videos: Create short tutorials that provide value and educate your audience.
  16. Productivity Hacks: Share time-saving tips or hacks to help your audience work smarter.
  17. New Offerings: Announce new products or services to generate excitement and interest.
  18. Industry News: Keep your audience informed about the latest news and trends in your industry.
  19. Personal Photos: Share personal photos that relate to your business to humanize your brand.
  20. Client Shout-Outs: Highlight your clients by sharing their posts or something you love about their business.

Engage with Your Audience

Remember, social media is all about being social. Make sure to engage with anyone who comments on your posts. Respond to questions, thank people for their feedback, and keep the conversation going. This interaction not only builds relationships but also increases your visibility.

Tailor Your Content to Each Platform

Not all content types work for every platform. Experiment with different types of posts and analyse what works best for your audience on each platform.

Try These Ideas and Share Your Results

Why not give these social media ideas a try? Let me know how they work for you, and if you have any other ideas that have been successful, I’d love to hear about them. Feel free to comment below and share your thoughts!

I'm Michelle Tolhurst the owner, director of Creative Desk Pty Ltd. I'm your virtual marketing assistant working with small businesses around Australia in their creative communications, email campaigns, websites, social media and desktop publishing.

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